Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Bundaberg Backpackers

Still rocking it out here in Bundy and thought I'd give a quick update. I've finally started making some money by being a world class zucchini picker. So much so that in fact the hostel wont move me to a better job because they are scared off pissing off the farmer since I am "his best picker". My hard work is apparently my own demise. Never mind though since I plan on staying here a while and I am making money - last week alone I earned AU$718! So I'll stick it out and when the job eventually ends I will try and get something slightly less back breaking. I think working from a hostel you often find that people constantly complain. When you havn't got work in a place like this you get bored and frustrated. Yet a lot of people expect to get work and make lot's of money quickly, without having to put much effort in... and when they find themselves on a massive farm where you can't even see the end of the patch of zucchinis you are supposed to be picking, they find the work too hard and quit. It's quite funny really. The place is full of people who simply don't know what it's like to do a hard days work.

Last week was particularly hard. I was working from about 5.15am until 2.30pm every day. I bet none of you believe I am fine with getting up at 4.10am every morning either! Bed by nine... who'd have thought. It's starting to get very hot here, though the evenings/mornings are still pretty cold. I also have the responsibility of driving everyone to work in the mornings. I drive a 10 person trooper with dodgy brakes, terrible steering allignment and a choke so old I have to hold down what they call here a glow plug for 20 seconds before it'll start.

The other thing about this hostel is falling into patterns and rhythms day by day. Obviously when working it's a case of up early, breakfast, work, home, lunch, tv, dinner, bed. But we've got a few others thrown in too:

- Tuesday was 'Cheap Pizza Day' and has no evolved into 'Pizza and Horror Movie Evening'.
- Four o'clock in the afternoon is time to go to Coles and find what's on offer (normally donuts and cakes).
- Saturday afternoon we play football.
- A day off will often account to going to the swimming pool, especially if it's a weekend and the inflatables are up.
- Drinking copious amounts of tea.
- Queueing up for the internet (took me the best part of an hour to get on this morning).

As mentioned previously, between all this we bitch and complain about work, bosses, hostel management, sleep deprivation, Bundaberg, locals, prices, crap beer, heat, internet unavailability, etc, etc.

Congratulations are due to Paul and his friends for flying out to India. I am really looking forward to meeting up in Australia. I have finally remembered to sort out my medicare and now have free health care! This is lucky since it coincides with the running out of my travel insurance. Only other news is that I received a parcel from mum with some excellent presents! There aren't any pictures to show you from Bundaberg as we don't have a camera. To be honest there's not an awful lot to see. The beach is nice, but I've still only been there once.

I guess that's all for today. Sorry it's not very exciting. Check out Paul's blog, it's pretty good (though an obvious attempt at plagiarism... hehe). If anyone wants me to ring them, send me your phone numbers and a good time to call. Or just come out to Australia and find me. Take care. x


Jax x said...

Yey fianlly another installemt!

Hope your ok, miss you loads, I PROMICE i will call as soon as im not so skint x love you xx

Anonymous said...

hey lad,

thought I'd check out your blog, see whats going on, good thing your finally making money. Sorry about plaigerising your blog, I cant think for myself, have to copy other people!!

How long are you planning on staying in Bundy, or Oz in general, are you still gonna be there when I get there? I should be there march sometime?

talk to you soon mate, send me an email or something(when you dont have to queue for the internet!!
